July 31, 2008

July 29, 2008

Up Next...

Daycare lets out on August 8th...on August 9th I'm relieving Emmanuel of his diaper routine. I picked up one of these today:


And, of course, the mandatory copy of Once Upon a Potty, by Alona Frankel. In Hebrew it's "Sir haSirim"...a bit sacreligious perhaps, but quite cute.

July 13, 2008

Emmanuel update

So yesterday morning I hear "crash"! Run downstairs, Emmanuel has a cut next to his right eye. And it will not stop bleeding. So I get dressed, pack a diaper bag and water for everyone, get the boys into the double stroller, and walk the 1/2 hour to Terem. Apparently no one ever needs medical attention before noon on Shabbat, because that's when they open. Sigh. So I bang on the door of MDA (next door), and I guess I woke up the paramedic on duty because boy was she *itchy. But there was a father with his 6 month old also trying to get some help, so I felt justified. She took a (brief) look, declared that it would be fine, and we walked the 1/2 hour back to meet Kopul in shul.

I took ET back after Shabbat (he got to stay up late), and the doctor on duty looked at it, cleaned it up a bit better than we had, and glued it. Then he told our 2 year old that he shouldn't get it wet for 3 days. (Good luck with that!)

We also did an experiment yesterday, which was a failure as far as ET will be concerned. We gave him NO dairy. And he had normal diapers all day. Then we gave him his usual yogurt for breakfast this morning...and within 20 minutes he had one of the goopiest yuckiest leakist diapers I've ever seen. Sigh. I've asked the daycare to give him as little dairy as possible until we can get this checked out.

We also saw the pediatrician Thursday afternoon. He gave us a referral for a speech therapist (I think), and for the centre for child development. So hopefully it won't take the 3 months he's predicting to get Emmanuel talking.

I promise, I will get the crawling and laughing and teasing pics and videos up at some point. In my spare time.