June 23, 2008

The Dedication

Here's a video link from the presentation/dedication on June 12th:


I think you might have to download it to view.

June 12, 2008

Shavuot...from Eema's perspective

A real breakthrough. The pacifier tore over Shabbat, and we didn't have a spare one, so guess who no longer takes a pacifier???? (Although I think they're still giving him one at daycare, despite the fact that I asked them not to.)

I bought size 2 underwear today. Unfortunately, not for me. We have a toilet seat "shrinker" insert thingy, and the next project is toilet training. He's not *quite* ready yet, as he doesn't tell me what's doing, but he has certain mannerisms that give it away, so I think we're going to try doing that when he's home for 3 weeks in August. Should be interesting.

June 10, 2008


We left (later than planned), on Friday afternoon. Arrived at Kibbutz Lavi around 6:30, and checked in. Raced the clock, but were ready in time to light candles at 7:15. Shabbat was very nice; we ate too much Friday night and Shabbat lunch (meat), had a tour of the kibbutz at 5:30 Shabbat afternoon, and were back in time for mincha and seudah shlishit (dairy) at 7:15. Motzaei Shabbat they had a kumzitz scheduled, but both Eema and Abba fell asleep before they managed to get out the door!

Sunday morning we went to JohnDeereland (http://www.jdland.co.il), and the Museum of Marzipan (http://www.marzipan-tavor.co.il). Emmanuel and I did not partake, of course, but Kopul enjoyed the giveaway immensely. We went back to the hotel, had pizza for lunch, short naps (everyone!), and got ready for yom tov. The meal arrangement was the same as for Shabbat (dinner & lunch were meat, and "seudah shlishit" was dairy). They also had a "Taste of Milk & Honey extravaganza" before yom tov with cheeses and assorted other "light" snacks on Sunday afternoon to tide everyone over until dinner. The kibbutz does have a working dairy, and most of the cheeses they serve are house cheeses.

Emmanuel Tzvi made a friend very quickly; our room neighbours were a lovely couple from New York. She's Dutch, he's South American, and their "older" son is a few months younger than Emmanuel. They have a younger one as well, fairly recently I'd say. Anyway, Emmanuel and Chaim were like a house on fire. It would be fair to say that between Chaim and the children's play area the trip was a great success as far as Emmanuel was concerned. He also made friends with a pair of sisters; 6 & 8 years old, who, it turned out, were the daughters of Kopul's boss at the bookstore! A small, small world, as the OU also had a group there. I think Kopul enjoyed the company however, and the ladies at the OU certainly enjoyed the kids.

Eema forgot to change the batteries in the camera, so there are not many pictures, but hopefully I'll have a chance to upload a few later.

June 2, 2008


In the aftermath of Hurricane Emmanuel:

Just hanging out...

Thank you for our afikoman: